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Import Sales Receipts to QuickBooks Online
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What are some of the common uses for a Sales Receipt into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer?




Some of the most common uses for a Sales Receipt import into QuickBooks Online are:


  • Importing completed orders from an e-commerce platform
  • Importing sales receipts transactions from a Point of Sale (POS) system
  • Importing monthly or daily activity from another accounting system




What are some helpful tips to know when importing Sales Receipts into QuickBooks Online with Transaction Pro Importer?




Below are some helpful tips to keep in mind regarding the most common issues that occur when importing Sales Receipts into QuickBooks Online with Importer.


  • The following fields are required (at minimum):
    • RefNumber
    • Customer
    • LineItem


  • Each line of the same Sales Receipt should have the same Reference Number on every line so that Importer will know to group these lines together on the same Sales Receipt.


  • Remove any $ signs from amounts.


  • If using Jobs under Customers or Sub-Items, be sure to include the entire Parent and Child from the list and separate the levels with a colon with no space before or after the colon (ie. Customer:Job or Item:Sub-Item).


  • If turned on in QuickBooks Online Preferences, Custom Fields will be displayed at the bottom of the field list on the Importer mapping screen.


  • If importing an Inventory type Product or Service, LineQty becomes a required field.


  • If the import file contains a dollar amount for the discount, map this column to the QuickBooks Online field DISCOUNTAMT.


  • If the import file contains a percentage for the discount, map this column to the QuickBooks Online field DISCOUNTRATE. For example, if the discount is 2%, include the value of 2 in the import file.


  • If the discount is taxable, any of the following values can be used: 1, t, true, y, or yes.


  • If the discount is not taxable, any of the following values can be used: 0, f, false, n, or no.


  • Map the column that contains the dollar amount of the Shipping Charge to the QuickBooks Online field SHIPPINGAMOUNT.


  • If products are sold online and are charged a transaction fee, map the column that contains the fee to the SHIPPING AMOUNT field, if you do not need to use it for Shipping Charges.


  • If using the SHIPPING AMOUNT field for the transaction fee, an Item name for the Shipping Item field will need to be provided. This Item name will be used on the body of the Sales Receipt. For instance, if incurring a PayPal fee, provide the item name PayPal Fee in the Default Value column for the Shipping Item field.


The below screenshot shows the entry screen for Sales Receipt in QuickBooks Online with the location indicated into which each Transaction Pro Importer field will import.


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