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QBSDK Log File - Used for Troubleshooting
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For troubleshooting purposes, Rigthworks Transaction Pro Support may request the QBSDKLOG.txt file. Please follow the steps below.


First take a look to see if there is a qbskdlog.txt file. If there is, rename this file to qbsdklogold.txt.


For Windows 7, 8, and 10, go to c:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks and edit the qbsdk.ini file.


For Windows XP and Vista, go to c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\QuickBooks and edit the qbsdk.ini file.


Add/Edit the following lines:




Restart QuickBooks and run the import that causes the problems.


Zip and upload the qbsdklog.txt file in this folder and send to Transaction Pro Support at [email protected].


Once the file has been sent, restore the Level in qbsdk.ini to Level=info

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