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Home > How to Import Using Transaction Pro Importer > Desktop Importer > Getting Started with Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Desktop
Getting Started with Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Desktop
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You have taken the first step toward making your busy day easier by selecting Transaction Pro to help import data into QuickBooks Desktop. To make getting started with Transaction Pro easier, here’s the top five tips for using Transaction Pro Importer:

  1. Make use of the data dictionary. The data dictionary shows the types of items and transactions you can import into QuickBooks with Transaction Pro Importer: V8 Data Dictionary
  2. Make use of the template files. Template files are an excellent source for testing imports and setting up your import files. Access the templates here: Sample Import Files and Maps
  3. Use account number or account name for GL accounts. If you are importing a transaction that includes a GL account number, you only need to import the account number or the account name, never both.
  4. Have a unique reference number for each transaction. For all transaction types, Transaction Pro Importer requires a unique reference number field for each transaction in order to know where a transaction begins and ends. The reference number can be anything as long as it is unique for each transaction on your import file. It does not have to be the transaction number because QuickBooks can assign this during import. It can be as simple as 1, 2, 3, etc.
  5. Do a small import first. When first importing, run a test of only one or two items or transactions to make sure everything is working as you want before importing a large file.
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