How does the cross-reference option work for Customers and Vendors when importing into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) with Rightworks Transaction Pro (TPro) Importer?
In QBDT, Customers and Vendors are organized by Name. However, other databases or services that may be imported may use a Customer or Vendor Account Number instead of a Name. Additionally, there might be formatting differences between the other system and QBDT as to how names are formatted so that they do not match exactly. By default, Importer will look for a matching name in the Name field on the Customer or Vendor in QBDT when importing sales or purchase transactions. However, selecting the Cross-Reference Option will change it so that Importer looks for a match in the Account No field that is found on the PAYMENTS SETTINGS tab for both Customers and Vendors. The option for both Customers and Vendors is found on the BASIC option tab in Transaction Pro.
An alphanumeric value up to 99 characters may be entered into the Account No field in QBDT and then used when importing sales or purchase transactions. When using the cross-reference option, the column that contains the cross-referenced data will need to be mapped to the Customer or Vendor field.
All names must be cross-referenced if using the option. A mixture of some cross-referenced names and some not cross-referenced is not allowed.
Cross-referenced values must be set up prior to importing with the option. A Customer List or Vendor List import can be used to populate the field.
All cross-referenced values must be unique. If two Customers or Vendors have the same cross-reference value, the option will not work correctly.
The cross-reference option works for Vendors on the following transaction types:
- Bank Statements
- Bills
- Bill Payments
- Checks
- Credit Card Charges
- Credit Card Statements
- Item Receipts
- Purchase Orders
- Vendor Credits
The cross-reference option works for Customers on the following transaction types:
- Bills *
- Bill Payments *
- Checks *
- Credit Card Charges *
- Credit Card Credits *
- Credit memos
- Estimates
- Inventory Adjustments *
- Item Receipts *
- Purchase Orders *
- Receive Payments
- Sales Orders
- Sales Receipts
- Statement Charges
- Time Tracking *
- Vendor Credits *
*Customer referenced is the billable customer on the transaction.
NOTE: Cross-reference options increase the validation time of the import file in Transaction Pro especially if QBDT company file has a large list for the cross-referenced value.