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Home > Resolutions for Transaction Pro Importer Issues > Online Importer > The Sum of Split Amounts Must Be Equal to 0
The Sum of Split Amounts Must Be Equal to 0
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"The sum of split amounts must be equal to 0"




This message appears because the sum of the Journal Entry does not net to zero.


Below are some things to check to resolve this error message:

  1. Make sure that each line of the Journal Entry has the same value mapped to the field RefNumber and that the lines of the same Journal Entry follow sequentially in the import file.
  2. Open up the file in Excel and make sure that the total of the Journal Entry nets to zero. Debits should be expressed as a positive number and credits as a negative number.
  3. Expand the number of decimal places in the number column and then sum up the column. It could be a rounding issue out several decimal places.
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