QUESTION How can an IIF file from a Payroll Provider be imported into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? RESOLUTION Most Payroll Providers provide an IIF file to be used to import the Payroll data into QuickBooks. However, QuickBooks Online does not allow IIF files to be imported as …
QUESTION How can Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer create a new name (Customer, Vendor, or Employee) during a Journal Entry import into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT)? RESOLUTION By default, Importer does not create new names when importing Journal Entries. However, by using the command line /JE_NAME, Importer …
QUESTION How do General Ledger Accounts need to be formatted in the import file when using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer with QuickBooks Online? RESOLUTION If Accounts are used in the import file, only the Account Name or the Account Number should be used, never both. If using Account Numbers, only …
MESSAGE "You must fill out at least two detail lines" RESOLUTION The message appears because a Journal Entry in the import file does not have at least two lines. Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online groups multiple lines onto the same Journal Entry that have the same value mapped to the …
QUESTION What is the best import type to use to import expenses into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT)? RESOLUTION Often times, users will have an Excel listing of expenses to import into QBDT but are unsure as to which import type to select. Below are the different import types to consider selecting and how they…
QUESTION How can a Trial Balance be imported into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? RESOLUTION The best way to import a Trial Balance into QuickBooks Online is with the import type Journal Entry. NOTE: Any line in the import file that posts to an AR or an AP Account must referen…
MESSAGE "Indicated Object Failed Validation" RESOLUTION When importing a Journal Entry with a debit and credit column, the numbers in both columns must be positive numbers.
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Journal no. Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the assigned Journal Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Impor…
MESSAGE "Validation Error: Indicated failed object" RESOLUTION QuickBooks may return this or a similar generic error message to Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer during a Journal Entry import to indicate one of the following issues: * A debit or credit in the import file has a negative value. Negative …
QUESTION How can a Trial Balance be imported into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? RESOLUTION The best way to import a Trial Balance into QBDT is with the import type Journal Entry. Two things to consider when importing a Trial Balance as a Journal Entry: * QBDT only…