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Showing articles from Errors tag

java.lang.Formal Exception

**MESSAGE** "java.lang.FormatException" when importing Bill Payments or Receive Payments **RESOLUTION** The message appears because Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer cannot locate an unpaid Bill for the Vendor to which to apply the Bill Payment or an open Invoice for the Customer to which to apply the Receive Pay…

Error Validating Invalid Double

**MESSAGE** "Error validating Invalid double:" when importing Time Activities into QuickBooks Online **RESOLUTION** Verify the following: 1. If importing billable time into QuickBooks Online, be sure to have an import column with a Y mapped to BillableStatus or enter a Y for the Default Value column. 2. If imp…

There Were Problems Communicating with the Intuit API

**MESSAGE** There were problems communicating with the Intuit API. Please try importing your transactions later. **RESOLUTION** If the above message is received when using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, Transaction Pro Exporter, or Transaction Pro Deleter for QuickBooks Online, please follow the steps below: …

String Length Specified Does Not Match the Supported Length

**MESSAGE** "String length specified does not match the supported length" **RESOLUTION** This message appears because some of the data in the import file exceeds the maximum length allowed by QuickBooks Online. Edit the data in the import file so that it is a shorter length. For more information about maximum char…

Common Issues Importing Employees into QuickBooks Online

COMMON ISSUE RESOLUTION Invalid Email Format * Email must be formatted [email protected] * Example: [email protected] Invalid Postal Code Value * Postal Code must be a minimum of five characters

Error Validating Detail Lines: At Least One Detail Line is Required

**MESSAGE** **"**Error validating Detail Lines:At least one detail line is required" **RESOLUTION** If importing Expenses on the transaction, make sure that data is mapped to both QuickBooks fields EXPENSEACCOUNT and EXPENSEAMOUNT. If importing Items on the transaction, make sure that data is mapped to both Quick…

Display Screen is Not Displaying Correctly or is Hard to Read

**ISSUE** Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer display screen is not displaying properly, is hard to read, or has lines running through it. **RESOLUTION** It could be the result of not having the MS San Serif font installed on the computer. Please review this Microsoft knowledge base article: [APPLICATION FONT ISSUE…

You Must Specify a Transaction Amount that is 0 or Greater - QuickBooks Online

**MESSAGE** "You must specify a transaction amount that is 0 or greater." **RESOLUTION** When importing a transaction, the sum of all the lines of a transaction must equal an amount of zero or greater. Line items on the transaction can be a negative amount, but the total amount needs to be zero or greater. If less …

Target is Not Reimbursable in QuickBooks Online

**MESSAGE** "Target is not Reimbursable" **RESOLUTION** This message appears because in Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, the Bill import or the Check import has either the field ExpenseBillableStatus or LineBillableStatus marked as Y. However, a value (Customer) is not mapped to ExpenseBillableEntity or LineBil…

Common Issues Importing Locations into QuickBooks Online

COMMON ISSUE RESOLUTION Sub-Location Name Not Importing * Sub-Location Name must include full name with a colon between each level with no space on either side of the colon. * Example: LOCATION:SUB-LOCATION * See this [article ][1]for more info. [1]:…

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