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Home > How to Import Using Transaction Pro Importer > Desktop Importer > Create a Map for Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer Desktop
Create a Map for Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer Desktop
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Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer map files can be created to import transactions such as Invoices or Journal Entries and to import lists such as Price Levels, Customers, or Items into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT).


Below is a screenshot of the Importer mapping screen with more detailed information below it.



The Importer mapping screen is comprised of three columns:


QUICKBOOKS FIELDS: These are all the fields available on that particular transaction or list import.

  • FAQ 1: Why are fields highlighted in red? These are the minimum required fields that are required on this QBDT transaction or list. Data must be mapped on every row of the import file for these fields or a static (default) value enter. Read more about static values in another section below.

  • FAQ 2: Can an import file column be mapped to more than one QB field?. Yes, the same column can be mapped to as many QB fields as needed.

  • FAQ 3: What if all the fields needed to show in this column? If using custom fields on transactions or lists, be sure to turn on the USE CUSTOM FIELDS option within Importer. The OPTIONS button is found on the first window of Importer.

  • FAQ 4: What if more information is needed as to where these fields reside in QBDT? The complete Data Dictionary for all list and transaction import can be found HERE

IMPORT FILE COLUMNS: These are the Column Names that are on the first row of the import file. Select the column that matches the QB fields from the drop down arrow at the right of this column.

  • FAQ 1: What if the import file does not have a header row? If the import file does not have a header row, the titles Field1, Field2, etc will be seen in the drop down list. Field1 is the first column in the import file (from the left), Field2 the second column, and so on.

  • FAQ 2: What if there is not a column in the import file that has data for the QB fields that needs to imported? Consider using the Static Value/Formula Column. Read more about this option in the next section below.

STATIC VALUE/FORMULA COLUMN: Use this field to provide a default value on every line of the import file OR provide a simple formula OR combine multiple fields into one field in this column. Read more HERE.

  • FAQ 1: What sort of formulas are supported? One operator formulas are supported (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) OR data fields can be combined similar to Excel's concatenate formula.

  • FAQ 2: Where is the syntax of the formulas found? Press F1 while Importer open and select the Mapping Fields section on the left.

ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS: Match the red numbers in the screenshot below to the descriptions that follow for more detailed information on each.

  • Point 1 – Mapping Screen: At the top of the screen in red is where the map file that is created is saved. It is suggested to create a copy of this map file somewhere else in case it is needed to reload.

  • Point 2 – Field Match Button: If the import file uses the same column headers that are listed in the first column QUICKBOOKS FIELDS, then select this button to automatically create the mapping.

  • Point 3- Load Map Button: Select this button to navigate to load a map file that has already been created. By default, Importer will load the last map used on the last import for this particular transaction type. As many different map layouts for each import type as needed may be saved.

  • Point 4 – Save As Button: Select this button to save the map file, selecting where to save it and what to name it.

  • Point 5: Next Button: When mapping is completed, select the NEXT button to advance to the next screen. Please note that when the NEXT button is selected, Importer will re-save the map with any changes that have been made.

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