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Import Trial Balance into QuickBooks Desktop
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How can a Trial Balance be imported into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer?




The best way to import a Trial Balance into QBDT is with the import type Journal Entry.


Two things to consider when importing a Trial Balance as a Journal Entry:


  1. QBDT only allows one Accounts Receivable (AR) OR one Accounts Payable (AP) account per a single Journal Entry. A workaround for these type of accounts on the Trial Balance is to modify the Accounts on these lines so that it posts to a transfer or inter-company Account. Then add additional Journal Entries with two lines each to move the amounts out of the transfer or inter-company Account to the correct AR or AP Account.

  2. If there is a line in the import file that posts to an AR or an AP account, the line must reference a name (Customer or Vendor) and that name must already exist in the QBDT company file.

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