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Home > How to Import Using Transaction Pro Importer > Online Importer > Invoice Import Fields for Transaction Pro Online
Invoice Import Fields for Transaction Pro Online
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TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes
RefNumber Invoice no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the Invoice Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import must be sorted  by this column prior to importing. 
Customer Customer Y Alpha-numeric 100 If importing a sub-Customer or Project, must include the full name. See this article for more info.
TxnDate Invoice date N Date N/A If no date is imported, transaction will be dated the day of the import.
DueDate Due date N Date N/A If no due date imported, the due date will be calculated based upon the Terms.
ShipDate Shipping date N Date N/A  
ShipMethodName Ship via N Alpha-numeric 31  
TrackingNum Tracking no N Alpha-numeric 99  
SalesTerm Terms N Alpha-numeric 100 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
Location Location N Alpha-numeric 100 May be set as Business, Department, Division, Location, Property, Store, or Territory in QuickBooks Online Settings. However, the field will also be named Location in TPro mapping. If importing a sub-Location, see this article for more info.
Class Class N Alpha-numeric 100 Class if the setting in QuickBooks Online is for one class per transaction. If importing a sub-Class, see this article for more  info.
BillAddrLine1 Billing address N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrLine2 Billing address N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrLine3 Billing address N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrLine4 Billing address N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrCity Billing address N Alpha-numeric 255 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrState Billing address N Alpha-numeric 255 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrPostalCode Billing address N Alpha-numeric 30 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
BillAddrCountry Billing address N Alpha-numeric 255 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrLine1 Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrLine2 Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrLine3 Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrLine4 Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 500 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrCity Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 255 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrState Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 255 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrPostalCode Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 30 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
ShipAddrCountry Shipping to N Alpha-numeric 255 If the Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, this info will be pulled from the Customer Setup, if different data is not imported for this field.
PrivateNote Message on statement N Alpha-numeric 4000  
Msg Message on invoice N Alpha-numeric 4000  
BillEmail Customer email N Alpha-numeric 100 Must be valid Email. If multiple Email addresses, separate each Email by a comma.
BillEmailCc Cc N Alpha-numeric 100 Must be valid Email. If multiple Email addresses, separate each Email by a comma.
BillEmailBcc Bcc N Alpha-numeric 100 Must be valid Email. If multiple Email addresses, separate each Email by a comma.
Currency   N Alpha  3 Only available if multi-currency activated in QuickBooks Online. Must match currencies pre-defined in QuickBooks Online. It will default to Currency assigned the Customer. If setting the Customer up "on the fly," this field will be the assigned Currency.
ExchangeRate   N Numeric   For all currencies except for BITCOIN, the saved Exchange Rate for that currency in QuickBooks Online must be used.
Deposit Deposit N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999. Reduces amount of Invoice due. Import as positive number.
ToBePrinted Print later N Y or N N/A Default is False (unchecked). To check field, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes.
ToBeEmailed Send later N Y or N N/A Default is False (unchecked). To check field, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes.
AllowIPNPayment   N Y or N N/A Default is False (unchecked). To check field, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes.
AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment Cards N Y or N N/A Default is False (unchecked). To check field, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes.
AllowOnlineACHPayment Bank transfer N Y or N N/A Default is False (unchecked). To check field, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes.
ShipAmt Shipping N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999.
DiscountAmt Discount value N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999. The value for this field imports is a set Discount Amount. Import as positive number.
DiscountRate Discount percent N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999. The value for this field imports as a Discount Percentage. Import as positive number.
TaxAmt Select tax rate N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999. Only a valid import field for US Version of QuickBooks Online and if on Manual Tax Calculation. Otherwise, tax is calculated based upon the Customer's tax setting, the Customer's ship to address, and the tax setting of the Product/Service.
DiscountTaxable   N Y or N N/A To import Discount as Taxable, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes. To import Discount as Nontaxable, valid values are 0, f, false, n, or no. Default is Nontaxable.
LineServiceDate Service Date N Date N/A  
LineItem Product/Service Y Alpha-numeric 100  
LineDesc Description N Alpha-numeric 4000  
LineQty Qty N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999. If importing an Inventory type, quantity is required.
LineUnitPrice Rate N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999.
LineAmount Amount N Numeric 11 Maximum value 99,999,999,999.
LineClass Class N Alpha-numeric 100 If importing a sub-Class, see this article for more info.
LineTaxable Tax N Y or N N/A To import Item as Taxable, valid values are 1, t, true, y, or yes. To import Item as Nontaxable, valid values are 0, f, false, n, or no. Default is Nontaxable.
Custom Field 3   N Alpha-numeric 30 The name of this field will reflect the name assigned in QuickBooks Online Settings.
Custom Field 2   N Alpha-numeric 30 The name of this field will reflect the name assigned in QuickBooks Online Settings.
Custom Field 1   N Alpha-numeric 30 The name of this field will reflect the name assigned in QuickBooks Online Settings.
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