TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes Name Name Y Alpha-numeric 100 To import Location be a Sub-Location of another Location, use format Location:Sub-Location.
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes Name Name Y Alpha-numeric 31 To import Term be a Sub-Term of another Term, use format Term:Sub-Term DueDays Due in fixed number of days N Numeric 3 Due Date calculated by adding the specifi…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Ref no. Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the assigned Vendor Credit Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Imp…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes TxnDate Date N Date N/A If no date is imported, transaction date will default to the date of the import. PrivateNote Memo N Alpha-numeric 4000 ToAccount Transfer Funds To Y Alpha-numer…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Ref no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import must be sorted by this column prior to importin…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the assigned Check Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import must be so…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes Name Name Y Alpha-numeric 100 To import Class as a Sub-Class of another Class, use format Class:Sub-Class
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Refund Receipt no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the Refund Receipt Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. I…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes TxnDate Date N Date N/A If no date is imported, transaction date will default to the date of the import. Name Name Y Alpha-numeric 100 Name can be an Employee Name or a Vendor Name (Contrac…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Estimate no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the Estimate Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import must b…