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Connect QuickBooks Online Accountant to Rightworks Transaction Pro

QUESTION How do I connect Rightworks Transaction Pro to a client's QuickBooks Online if I am using the QuickBooks Online Accountant version? RESOLUTION Connecting a QuickBooks Online company to Transaction Pro through a QuickBooks Online Accountant version is the same as connecting directly to a QuickBooks O…

QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts Import - Valid Account Type Values

When importing a Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, the types listed below are the only valid Account and Sub-Account (Detail) types currently available to be used with Importer. NOTE : There are no spaces between the words for the Account Types or Sub-Account Types…

Order to Delete Transactions in QuickBooks Online

QUESTION When deleting transactions with Rightworks Transaction Pro Deleter, what is the order that transactions should be deleted? RESOLUTION When deleting transactions with Deleter, the related transaction must first be deleted. For example, QuickBooks Online will not allow an Invoice to deleted until the …

Change Subscription Plan for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

QUESTION How can a Rightworks Transaction Pro subscription for QuickBooks Online be changed to a different plan? RESOLUTION To change a Transaction Pro subscription to a different plan, the user will need to have Billing Admin Access. Before changing the subscription, it is best to edit the subscription n…

Update or Add Payment Method to Rightworks Transaction Pro Online Subscription

QUESTION How can the Payment Method on a Rightworks Transaction Pro subscription for QuickBooks Online be updated? RESOLUTION To change or update a payment method for a Transaction Pro Online subscription, the user will need to have Billing Admin Access. Click on MANAGE. Then click UPDATE PAYMENT METHOD. …

Options Available in Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online

QUESTION What Options are available to be used when importing using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online? RESOLUTION There are currently 19 Options available to be used with Importer, but the list of available Options continues to grow. To access all the Options, on the Preview and Im…

Import Invoices into QuickBooks Online

Some of the most common uses for an Invoice import are listed below: * Importing Invoice transactions from another industry specific invoicing application. * Importing Invoice transactions from a Point of Sales (POS) system. * Importing monthly or daily activity from another accounting system. Below are some Ti…

Find Your QuickBooks Online Company ID

QUESTION How is a QuickBooks Online Company ID number found? RESOLUTION In order to find the correct user and company information, Rightworks Transaction Pro Support may ask for the QuickBooks Online Company ID. Below is a quick and easy way to retrieve this information. Log into the QuickBooks Online Com…

Support Options

QUESTION What are my support options? RESOLUTION At Rightworks Transaction Pro, your success is our top priority. Our eager team is available to offer top-notch support for any technical or sales queries. Connect with us Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 9 PM ET: * Live Chat: Simply click the chat icon in t…

Import Custom Fields into QuickBooks Online

QUESTION Can Custom Fields be imported into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? RESOLUTION Yes, Custom Fields can be imported into QuickBooks Online using Importer. * Note: Only the first 3 custom fields created will be available. This is a limitation of the QuickBooks Online API. …

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