MESSAGE "Target is not Reimbursable" RESOLUTION This message appears because in Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, the Bill import or the Check import has either the field ExpenseBillableStatus or LineBillableStatus marked as Y. However, a value (Customer) is not mapped to ExpenseBillableEntity or LineBill…
QUESTION Is there a way to set only certain Checks as "To Be Printed" when importing a batch of Checks? RESOLUTION When importing Checks with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer into QuickBooks Online, there is a field entitled ToBePrinted as part of a Check import map. The valid options are NotSet, NeedToPr…
QUESTION Can Checks be made payable to names other than Vendors during import? RESOLUTION When importing into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, Check transactions can be made payable to Customers, Employees, Other Names, as well as Vendors. When importing Checks, map the …
ISSUE When importing Invoices or Sales Receipts with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer and the Customer's address is different from the default address that has been setup in the Customer file in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT), the Customer file is updated with the imported address. OR When importing Bills or C…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes TxnDate Date (Deposit) Payment date (Check) N Date N/A If no date is imported, transaction will be dated the day of the import. PrivateNote Memo (Deposit) Memo (Check) N Alpha…
TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Check no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the assigned Check Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import m…
MESSAGE "Required parameter line is missing in the request" when importing Checks or Bills into QuickBooks Online. RESOLUTION If importing Checks or Bills into QuickBooks Online, the data needs to be mapped to one of this two scenarios: * Products and Services: LineItem and LineAmount: Data must be map…
MESSAGE "Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used." RESOLUTION The message appears because a transaction already exists in QuickBooks Online with this number. In order to allow QuickBooks Online to use duplicate numbers, the following changes…
QUESTION Is there a way to set only certain Checks as "To Be Printed" when importing a batch of checks? RESOLUTION When importing with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT), a mix of Checks to be printed and not to be printed cannot be imported. Two separate imports must occur, o…
QUESTION If the multi-line transactions are in columns instead of rows when importing Bills or Checks into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT), how can the transaction be imported with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? RESOLUTION Importer has the option to import Bills and Checks as columns. These options are found…