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Showing articles from Online tag

Credit Memo Import Fields for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Credit Memo no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the Credit Memo Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Impor…

You Must Fill Out At Least Two Detail Lines

MESSAGE "You must fill out at least two detail lines" RESOLUTION The message appears because a Journal Entry in the import file does not have at least two lines. Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online groups multiple lines onto the same Journal Entry that have the same value mapped to the …

Bill Payment Import Fields for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Check no. Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the assigned Check Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import mu…

Sales Receipt Import Fields for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Sales Receipt no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is the Invoice Number, but it also is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import mu…

Import Multi-Line Transactions into QuickBooks Online

QUESTION How does Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer know when there are multiple detail lines on a transaction when importing into QuickBooks Online? RESOLUTION Importer knows how to group multiple lines onto the same transaction when importing transactions such as Invoices, Bills, Journal Entries, et cete…

Schedule QuickBooks Online Exports Using Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter

QUESTION Can exports be scheduled with Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter for QuickBooks Online? RESOLUTION When exporting transactions and lists from QuickBooks Online with Exporter, there is the option to configure and schedule the exports. The schedule can be one time or recurring. This option allows the…

Export the Trial Balance Report from QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter

QUESTION Can the Trial Balance Report be exported with Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter for QuickBooks Online? RESOLUTION When exporting transactions and lists from QuickBooks Online with Exporter, there is now the option to export the Trial Balance report. Below are the steps to export the Trial Balan…

Import Sales Receipts to QuickBooks Online

QUESTION What are some of the common uses for a Sales Receipt into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? RESOLUTION Some of the most common uses for a Sales Receipt import into QuickBooks Online are: * Importing completed orders from an e-commerce platform * Importing sales receipt…

Concur AP Invoice (Vendor Bills) Import into QuickBooks Online

The following are instructions for importing the  Concur  AP Invoice (Vendor Bills) Report into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer. After downloading an AP Invoice (Vendor Bills) Report from  Concur , log into Transaction Pro and select to IMPORT. CHOOSE IMPORT TYPE:  Select BILLS a…

Import Undeposited Funds Deposits into QuickBooks Online

QUESTION: How are Deposit imports posted from Undeposited Funds when importing  with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer into QuickBooks Online? RESOLUTION: When importing Deposits into QuickBooks Online with TPro Importer, Deposits can be posted from Undeposited Funds. However, the Receive Payment or Sales …

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