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Showing articles from Online tag

Can Only Query 200 Transaction at a Time to Delete

ISSUE When querying data to delete with Rightworks Transaction Pro Deleter, only 200 lines appear in the grid even if more than 200 transactions exist to delete. RESOLUTION Unfortunately, it is a known issue with the QuickBooks Online Application Program Interface (API) that the query is really slow. Therefo…

Overpayments on Imported Invoices in QuickBooks Online

QUESTION Is there a way to set Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer to not process payments if it will result in an overpayment? RESOLUTION No, QuickBooks Online will make any overpayment a credit on the Customer's account. POSSIBLE WORKAROUND Use Transaction Pro Exporter to export a list of Invoice…

Bank Transfer Import Fields for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes TxnDate Date N Date N/A If no date is imported, transaction date will default to the date of the import. PrivateNote Memo N Alpha-numeric 4000 ToAccount Transfer Funds To Y Alpha-numer…

CenterCard Employee Reimbursement Import into QuickBooks Online

CenterCard Employee Reimbursement Import into QuickBooks Online The following are instructions for importing the  CenterCard  Bill Report into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer. After downloading an Employee Expense Reimbursement Report from  CenterCard , log into Transaction Pro and sel…

Field to Use on Mapping to Import Location in QuckBooks Online

QUESTION If the Location label name has been changed in QuickBooks Online company settings, what field needs to be used in Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer to import to the updated Location label? RESOLUTION In QuickBooks Online in company settings under categories, the Location label may be changed to an…

Certify Bill Report Import into QuickBooks Online

The following are instructions for importing the  Certify  Bill Report into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer. After downloading a Bill Report from  Certify , log into Transaction Pro and select to IMPORT. CHOOSE IMPORT TYPE:  Select BILLS as your import type by clicking on the b…

There Were Problems Communicating with the Intuit API

MESSAGE There were problems communicating with the Intuit API. Please try importing your transactions later. RESOLUTION If the above message is received when using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, Transaction Pro Exporter, or Transaction Pro Deleter for QuickBooks Online, please follow the steps below: …

Purchase - Cash Import Fields for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

TPro Field Name QuickBooks Online Field Name Required Character Type Character Limit Notes RefNumber Ref no Y Alpha-numeric 21 The Reference Number is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import must be sorted by this column prior to importin…

Common Issues Importing Employees into QuickBooks Online

COMMON ISSUE RESOLUTION Invalid Email Format Email must be formatted [email protected] Example: [email protected] Invalid Postal Code Value Postal Code must be a minimum of five characters

Special Characters in Account Names in QuickBooks Online

QUESTION Will Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer import account names with special characters? RESOLUTION QuickBooks does not allow for any non ASCII characters in any list name. For more information about acceptable characters that can be used in QuickBooks Online, please refer to this Intuit  ARTICLE .

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